Musician and Live Performers Assisted Profile Creation

Example of Profile Presentation for Musicians and Live Performers

Let us help you!

If you would like us to assist in creating your basic profile, please fill in the form on the right

Along with the Royal Elephant Hotel, we have been building and expanding a data set of contacts created for various resources and assets relating to marketing of the hospitality industry (Hotels, Guest-houses and restaurants) as well as other entertainment options (like live musicians for restaurants or DJ’s for Functions)

We have decided to turn this into an online database to share in the industry (and in turn, have a space where restaurants can advertise for entertainers, or hotels and guesthouses for photoshoot spaces) 

The goal is to build a network of paid and paying assets and resources. That said, we take no fees, and jobs are negotiated directly between assets and businesses. 

Please use the form below and fill in all the information you can at this time to allow us to create a basic profile for you. 

All information is updatable online once published.

At least Basic Profile Information and Images are required.


It is very importnat that you send us some images to make up your profile…

Images – required

Please send us images to load into your profile. We can resize to fit for you. In case of large images, we suggest WeTransfer, otherwise you can email direct. In Both cases, please use the email:

1x Main Profile Image or Business Logo
(for Venues or Musicians, etc)

 3x “Eye Catchers”
(Square – Part of your main profile)

Plus a few Gallery Images – These can be split into various galleries by shoot or by theme. We suggest unique images (if you are not sure whether the colour or B&W works best, do not send both. We will only load one of the two) – Portrait or Landscape. 

Please complete this form, so that we can create your basic entry!

    Please send us images to load into your profile. We can resize to fit for you. In case of large images, we suggest WeTransfer, otherwise you can email direct. In Both cases, please use the email:

    1x Main Profile Image or Business Logo (for Venues or Musicians, etc) - Portrait
3x Eye Catchers (Square - Part of your main profile)

    Plus a few Gallery Images - These can be split into various galleries by shoot or by theme. We suggest unique images (if you are not sure whether the colour or B&W works best, do not send both. We will only load one of the two) - Portrait or Landscape.